Snowshoeing for Total Beginners

As I've made clear before, I am not naturally an outdoorsy person - especially in the winter. I'm better suited to reading a book under a soft blanket while sipping a cup of coffee, or booking vacations to warmer climates during the Midwest's long winters.  But I'm getting better at embracing the outdoors (even when it's cold) and even enjoying the beauty of freshly fallen snow.

Today, I stepped it up a notch. The nature center near our home offers snowshoe rentals on Sunday afternoons, and since we are already familiar with the trails, that seemed like an inexpensive way to try a new winter activity.  The 11-year-old decided to go sledding with Dad instead, but I made the short drive with the 6-year-old and 4-year-old, got assistance strapping on the snowshoes, and took them out into the woods.

Here's what I learned.

1. It's okay to have really, really low expectations.  

I tried to set my expectations low and not imagine that it would be a glorious trek. I decided that if we made it 20 feet and turned back, we would still have attained the experience.

My 4-year-old lived up to these low expectations. After about a tenth of a mile, she wanted me to carry her. Thankfully my husband wasn't too far away, so he picked her up so that my son and I could have a longer hike!

2. It's not that hard. 

Walking with snowshoes was easier than I expected. My son fell a few times, but mostly intentionally because he thought it was funny and the snow was soft. Even my younger daughter didn't have any trouble navigating with the "dinosaur feet," as we called them.

3. The woods are magical in the winter. 

We've gone on a lot of summer hikes, but the woods held a special magic today, with crisp new snow and very few other people. At one point, we lay in the snow and watched the clouds and marveled at how quiet it was. It felt easier to breathe, and certainly easy to let go of the daily nuisances that often crowd our minds.

4. You don't have to make a big investment.  

Our local nature center rents snowshoes for $5/pair - so we didn't have to spend a ton of money to try this out. Definitely a win in my book.

5. These moments are precious.  

Our day had a lot of less-than-perfect moments today. Siblings argued, kids cried - the usual stuff of parenting and life. But being out together in the woods was a way to connect. And when we talked at bedtime, it was a highlight of the day - a treasured moment - and definitely something we will do again.


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