Starting Over

“So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late." -- Lee Iacocca
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This is not my first attempt at blogging.  But I've felt the pull to blog again - to share observations from the life of a 30-something Midwestern wife, mom, stepmom, and lawyer.  My kids are now 9 (stepdaughter), 5 (son), and almost 3 (daughter); I love my family, I love my community, and I love my career as a partner at a midsize law firm.  I love that my job challenges me and allows me to be creative and collaborative.  No two days are alike, and I learn something new every single day. 
Family-wise, we are building a new home and currently spending the summer in an 1,100 square foot apartment on the third floor with no elevator and no natural light.  #Firstworldproblems, to be sure, but we are looking forward to having a yard again, to stretching our legs, and to watching the sunset.  (Who knew I would be shopping online for those natural light lamps in the middle of summer?!) 
To balance out the constraints of the small space, we spend as much time as possible outside, exploring nearby nature trails and lakes and generally trying to soak up as much "Vitamin N" (Nature) as possible. 
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We also like visiting farms.  (Much as farm life is idealized right now - and much as I adore Fixer Upper's farmhouse chic style - I am very confident that I would not actually want to be in charge of cleaning stalls or helping birth the baby farm animals that my kids adore so much.  Visiting is the perfect dose of farm life.)
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 So that is us, right now.  Doing our best to soak it up and enjoy.    
 Hope you'll keep reading!


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